Grow Your Business

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We reached over 25 million visitors and made over $700k from the web and we want to help you!

We couldn’t believe it when we looked at the year end report. $147,000 in revenue. It was amazing to be able to grow our web business to that size. We never thought we would get that big. What started as a simply a free website, had grown to reach over 25 million people and make hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue.

Hi, I’m Dave.

Over the past 10 years, I’ve been intensely focused on building a real web business with actual traffic and revenue. As you are well aware, there is a lot of talk about traffic and making money on the web – however, an overwhelming majority of people aren’t able to actually get traffic and revenue for a site. Most people I encounter are unable to make even $500 from the web.

Over the past few years we have been blessed to see our site,, receive an incredible amount of both traffic and revenue. Over 4.3 million visitors and 16.7 million pageviews per year, creating six figures in revenue. We have been blessed to build a website from scratch that has been visited by over 20 million people. Our focus on creating consistent quality content has enabled us to bring in millions of people to our site. It has been a pretty amazing experience – our website is now one of the largest sites in the state of Colorado.



Let’s Grow your Website and business

Here is how this works. Let’s setup a time to talk about your site and business. I would like to spend about 40 minutes or so chatting about all the goals and focus of your site.  I want to comprehensively look at your site and provide a professional review. I want to sit down and talk about improving your business by using the exact same skills and tools our team has worked with to build a large site. I love working with entrepreneurs like yourself.

I would love to share with you all of the many things that we have learned over the past 10 years. You can then take this information and use it to immediately begin making improvements to your site and business. Let’s work together to get your operation working even more efficiently!


What To Expect from a Consulting Session

Here is how these consulting sessions typically work. We set up a call and begin to look at all the different aspects of your business and the goals that you wish to achieve. One of things that is very important to me is to try to understand all the backstory and the context regarding the work that you are doing. Often our clients are testing the waters of the startup world. They are sometimes taking on new challenges in an effort to bring on extra freedom for themselves and their family. These types of calls are fascinating as we try to begin to develop a plan for the client. To begin to reach their goals. As you will see on the call, it is a great experience getting a chance to directly connect with each other and work to help you get closer to your goals and dreams.


Our expertise includes:

  • Branding: Discover how you want to be known in your niche and industry. What is your mission? What are your values?
  • Strategy + Planning: What are your overall (monthly, yearly) goals for your website – for traffic statistics, conversion rates, and revenue?
  • Social Media + Marketing: How do you grab attention? What are you doing to engage and interact with your target audience?
  • Monetization: How do you want to make money from your website? Through ad sales? Sponsored content?
  • Web Design: Is your site visually appealing? How easy is it for visitors to navigate?





What people are saying about working with us


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“I continue to be impressed by the quality of work that Dave and the team at The Studio produce. I have been impressed with Dave’s passion and his ability to motivate people and I would highly recommend working with him and his team.”

Bill DAlessandro – Founder/CEO at Elements Brands




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“Throughout my entrepreneurial travels I’ve met a lot of people that hustle, but Dave Craige stands out from the bunch. He has an incredible amount of energy and passion for the work that he’s doing, and his energy and passion are contagious! Dave is one of the most genuine, caring, honest, and driven people I know and it’s always a pleasure to work with him.”

Rob Ludlow – Founder/CEO at Ludlow Concepts



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“Dave’s passion for helping people is infectious. He always goes out of his way to deliver exceptional work that creates results for people’s businesses, and more times than not – actually improves their lives.”

Nick Eubanks – Founder – I’m From The Future




Let’s get started !

Please let me know if you have any questions. I would be more than happy to give you more information about this service, just drop me a line by connecting at or hit me up by email at

Also, if you want to get to know me a bit better please check out my bio of the work that I have done. I look forward to hearing from you!