Invisibility Prayer

The Invisibility Prayer

Here is an early version of the invisibility prayer that I am working on.  I wanted to put something into writing that would demonstrate me taking a stand against my ego and working to improve my attitude.  Feel free to use/ remix however you would like.



Dear God, please make me invisible. May I be truly humble and have quiet confidence. May I freely share my talents without any desire to impress anyone. 

May I keep my head down and focus on doing great work without the need for a single person to notice. May I have zero ego. If you wish someone to see my work may I be grateful for the gift of being able to inspire another with the gifts you have bestowed upon me. 

Please help me to have a positive attitude. People may disrespect me, the day may fall apart and I may be tired but help me to remain positive and grateful through it all. 


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